
I'm going to tell you about a famous musician, singer, producer, actor and director who has won the World Music Award three times from Taiwan.

Jay Chou, was born January 18, 1979. He grew up in the small town of Linkou, Taiwan. Both his parents were secondary school teachers. When he was four years old, his mother took him to piaon lessons. Until his parents were divorced he stopped the lessons. At Dan Jiang Senior High School, he majored in piano and minored in cello. He showed talent for improvisation, became fond of pop music and began to write songs.

In 1998 he was discovered in a talent contest where he displayed his piano and song-writing skills. Over the next two years, he was hired to compose for popular Chinese singers. Although he was trained in classical music, Chou combines Chinese and Western music styles to produce songs that fuse R&B, rock and pop genres, covering issues such as domestic violence, war, and urbanization.

In 2000 Chou released his first album, titled Jay《周杰倫同名專輯》, under the record company Alfa Music. Since then he has released one album per year, selling several million copies each. His music has gained recognition throughout Asia, most notably in regions such as China, Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, Taiwan, and in overseas Asian communities, winning more than 20 awards each year. He has sold over 25 million albums worldwide. He starred in Initial D《頭文字D》 in 2005, for which he won Best Newcomer Actor in Golden Horse Awards, and was nominated for Best Supporting Actor by Hong Kong Film Awards for his role in Curse of the Golden Flower (2006). His career now extends into directing and running his own record company JVR Music. He has also endorsed various models of Media Players released by Onda in which he appears on the box, and his signature and likeness is printed on the back of certain models of these players.

以上是今天的作業,Rita希望我們寫一則有關名人的生平記事,重點是要寫自己國家滴,不過說真的,我對這事都沒什麼在關心的,當下就考倒我了= =還好Rita看大家全都沒動筆,決定當成homework,希望大家回家利用網路去查詢《名人》的資料一一"這時我就要感謝『維基百科,自由的百科全書』了!原本我是想寫有關李遠哲,諾貝爾得獎主,但我發現整篇文章有太多專有名詞,如果老師要我們上台講的話,我可能當下變僵屍吧= ="

為什麼改換找周杰倫勒…因為,我實在不知道要寫誰啦= =寫馬英九?我對他沒特別感覺,尤其是他當上總統後…我的股票跌到快變成壁紙了(當然不能怪他啦!畢竟是全球經濟大恐慌…),想來想去就看到我剛好在下載《魔杰座》,就是周杰倫的專輯,就試著在維基查看看有沒有他的資料,名人果然就是名人XD資料還滿齊全的,也省下我抓破頭的去翻譯,直接將有關他的生平大事直接COPY過來啦!不過懶歸懶,我還是要把一些單字查出來,不然也學不到什麼東西XDD


musician - 音樂家,樂師,作曲家
producer - 製作人
minored - 次要的 (major - 主修的)
cello - 大提琴
talent - 天資
improvisation - 即興創作
talent contest - 藝人競賽
skill - 技能,技術
compose - 作曲
combine - 兼備,使結合
fuse - 熔合,混合
issue - 發行,發佈
violence - 猛勁,狂熱,暴力
urbanization - 都市化
notably - 特別,尤其
nominated - 提名(+for)
endorse - 贊同,認可;背書


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